The 2nd Mexico Young water professional conference 2010 (MexicoYWP2010) will be an excellent forum for young researchers and professional working in water and wastewater research, technology and management to present their work and meet their peers around Mexico. Papers will be presented as platform and poster presentations on themes referred to all the aspects to the water cycle, including research, technology, management, culture, politics and economy.
The Mexico YWP2010 is part of the National conference series of the International Water Association (IWA), which is one of the major international associations in the water area.
The conference is open to all Mexican and International Young Water Professionals including bachelor, master and doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows, recent graduates, young researchers and other young professionals involved in the water area.
The congress will be held on April 12th to 14th, 2010 in the Centro Academico Cultural of the UNAM Campus Juriquilla in Queretaro, Qro. The campus Juriquilla – UNAM is placed 15 Km north of Queretaro city and can be access by car and local public transportation.
Queretaro is a strategically city placed in the center of Mexico and can be easily accessed by bus and airplane.
In addition to the platform presentations and poster sessions, the technical programme will integrate invited plenary presentations by recognized specialists on relevant topics. Furthermore, during the conference social sessions will be organized to develop your own professional water network.
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