Luigi Rizzo is Associate Professor in Sanitary and Environmental Engineering at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno (Italy). He is the coordinator of the "International PhD School on Advanced Oxidation processes" and he was the leader of Working Group 4 in COST Action ES1403 (NEREUS)". He is an external expert of the European Commission "Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER)" and he was (03/2013 – 03/2016) member of the European Commission Scientific Committee SCENIHR. He is editor of "Water Science and Technology" and "Water Supply" journals (IWA) and guest editor for several indexed journals. From 2007 to 2014, he was visiting professor in the context of the Erasmus program in 6 European Universities; moreover, he was (09/2008-02/2009) visiting scientist at Plataforma Solar de Almeria (Spain) and (07/2005 and 11/2004-12/2004) at "Water Chemistry Laboratory", University of Wisconsin Madison (USA).
He was/is coordinator, principal investigator, and investigator in 16 (3 ongoing) local/national and 15 (2 ongoing) international research projects. He supervised 3 post-docs (1 visiting scientist), 14 PhD students (8 visiting), 55 MSc students (10 visiting in the framework of Erasmus or other mobility programs).
His main research interest is water/wastewater treatment by advanced oxidation processes and, in particular tertiary treatment of urban wastewater for controlling the release of contaminants of emerging concern as well as the spread of antibiotic resistance into the environment, characterized by a strong interdisciplinary approach.
He published 139 papers, 97 in indexed journals (6352 citations and 40 h-index in SCOPUS). He was ranked 100th (out of 66925) for the category Environmental Science of the "Top 100.000 scientists (2019)" rank, finalized by Ioannidis et al., 2020 (PLoS Biol 18(10):e3000918), according to the SCOPUS database.