Senior Researcher CONICET

Prof. Marta I. Litter

Full Professor UNSAM

Prof. Dr. Litter is Doctor in Chemistry from the Buenos Aires University, Argentina (1974) with Postdoctoral stage at the University of Arizona, USA (1983). She is Senior Researcher of the Research Council (CONICET) and Full Professor at the University of General San Martín, Argentina. She was Principal Researcher at the National Atomic Commission until her retirement where she was Head of the Environmental Chemistry Remediation Division.

Her research focuses on treatment of organic and inorganic contaminants in water and air by innovative advanced technologies, especially heterogeneous photocatalysis and use of nanomaterials. She authored more than 200 scientific publications in international journals, books and chapters of books.

She received the Mercosur Prize twice in 2006 and 2011. She was President of the Local Organizing Committee of the 5th. International Congress on Arsenic in the Environment (As2014), Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 11 to 16 May 2014. She was designated pioneer on photocatalysis in Argentina (2016), Member of the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS, 2019) and Member of the Latin American Academy of Sciences (2020).


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