Registration Payment by Debit/Credit Card or Bank wire transfer
- This form is only for Paypal/Debit/Credit Card Payment. We are using the Paypal interface, however you can pay with your credit/debit card, click in the following link. Online registration and payment >>
- For payment by Bank wire transfer the payment account numbers are:
Beneficiary bank branch number: 0541
Beneficiary account number: 8548160
Beneficiary Bank name: Banco Nacional de Mexico S. A.
Bank branch address: Periférico Sur esq. Insurgentes Sur s/n, Col. Jardines del Pedregal, Delegación Tlalpan, Código Postal 01900, México, D. F.
ABA Banamex: B N M X M X M M
ALSO VERY IMPORTANT: please send an email to smis@smis.org.mx annotating the numerical code of the money transfer and your name. We have noted that on the account only the numerical code generated by your bank appears, but no name or other reference.
In order to proceed, the pre-registration fill the form>> or the abstract submission is mandatory.
- If you already pre-registered, please insert the same email that you used in the pre-registration/abstract submission form.
- Early bird registration before May 2nd, 2014 (6200.00 Mexican pesos)
From May 3rd, 2014 (7000.00 Mexican pesos)
- Conference fees include participation in all sessions, cofee breaks, conference bag and a gala dinner. The field trip is optional and it is not included in the conference fees.
- A limited number of grants will be available for students. An announcement of eligible persons for this reduced registration fee will be post soon.
- If you have some question, please send us an email to: MathGeophysics2014@iingen.unam.mx
Call for abstracts
Abstracts are one page long including figures (in case authors want to include them). The abstract should contain:
- Title
- List of authors and affiliations
- In addition authors should indicate:
- The session where the abstract should be considered
- The preference for oral or poster presentation (but most presentations will be posters).
Abstract submission will start on January 15 and will
close on May 10 2014
Abstracts should be send to:
Circuito Escolar s/n, Ciudad Universitaria, Delegación Coyoacán,
México D.F., C.P. 04510, Teléfono +52(55)5623-3600
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